StormMIST Builder Help Index

This document is Copyrighted © 1996 by and by the wizards of StormMIST.
The following commands are subject to change, please check the online 
help before using. 
The following is the list of commands you can currently get help on:

@addparent	@at	@announce	@chown	     @create  @clone
@config		@cset	@cycle		@dbck	     @dbtop   @decompile
@describe	@dig	@destroy	@dump	     @defattr @delparent
@echo		@edit	@emit		@empower     @examine @find
@foreach	@force	@giveto		@gethost     @halt    @hide
@info		@link	@misc		@name	     @ncset   @necho
@nemit		@noop	@nologins	@nopow_class @npemit  @npage
@nset		@nuke	@oemit		@outgoing    @open    @password
@pbreak		@pemit	@pcreate	@Poor	     @powers  @ps
@purge		@quota	@remit		@robot	     @search  @set
@showhash	@stats	@su		@swap	     @sweep   @switch
@teleport	@text	@trigger	@tr_as	     @ulink   @undestroy
@undefattr	@unlink	@unlock		@unhide	     @unzlink @upfront
@wait		@zemit	@zlink


This command adds commands soft-coded onto the parent object, to the 
player, or to another object.

Format: @addparent (player/object)=(parent object)


This command allows an action to be preformed at some remote location, 
as if the player was at that location.

Format: @at (location)=(action)


This command broadcasts to all players who are not set 
NO_WALLS the message.

Format: @announce (message)


This command allows the controlling player to change the ownership of 
an object that s/he owns.

Format: @chown (object)=(player)


This command allows a player to create a new object for inclusion into 
the database.

Format: @create (name of object)


This command replicates an existing object.

Format: @clone (object)


Format: @cset


Format: @cycle


Format: @dbck


Format: @dbtop


Format: @decompile


Format: @describe (player/object)=(description)


Format: @dig (name of new room)=(direction-leave),(direction-return)


Format: @destroy (object)


Format: @dump


Format: @defattr (player/object)/(name of attribute)=(options)


Format: @delparent (player/object)=(parent)

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