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Menu Navigation
Menu Roadmap

Menu Navigation

At each prompt of "Choice:" you should pick one of the letters or words found down the left side of the menu.

At various places you may find yourself at a prompt of "--More--" or similar -- such as at the bottom of the screen right now. At this prompt you may press the space bar to continue, control-B to go back a screen, or the "q" key to quit reading.

To leave the system, type "bye" at the "Choice:" prompt. "x" will exit any menu and return you to the previous menu. "top" or "T" (capital T) will take you to the top (initial) menu. (Note that various *programs* use 'q' to quit, vs. 'x' to exit. Try 'q' first.)

To set your terminal type, choose "c" from the "s" (System Status) menu. The initial type is vt100, suitable for many micro communication programs.

For extended information about the commands that are run, use the "help" command from any menu; follow it with the option letters of what you're interested in, such as "help f" for help on what choosing option "f" would do. (Note that some options have no help -- just try them!)

You can 'batch' menu commands, by separating them with a comma. As in, typing "i,h,x" from the main menu will go into the info menu, read the nyx history, and exit the info menu.

Also, you can create menu macros: create a file .mshellmac in your home directory, where you want to put lines like name=commands as in hist=top,i,h,x And execute as #hist (including inside other macros or multi-command lines).

To execute a "pure" Unix command you may enter it at the "Choice:" prompt preceded by an exclamation mark, as in "!who". It is NOT recommended that you do this unless you are familiar with Unix.

You may learn Unix by choosing the "learn" option from the education menu. You may abandon the use of this menu system and use the standard Unix environment (the "shell") by doing "!csh" ("exit" to return to the menu).

If you have any questions or need help, send mail to support ("fb" from the main menu). First, though, see 'faq' (Frequently Asked Questions) on the main menu -- all the common questions are answered there.

Menu Roadmap

Nyx, like the world-wide network it is connected to and the Unix operating system running beneath these menus, is a fairly large creature. This is an overview of what is where on the system and how to find out more.

The main menu has these options:

i Information...

This often overlooked menu has *lots* of information about Nyx, including the philsophy behind it, its history, views on hacking, how to find users on the network, programs to locate files not on Nyx, and so on. Lots of good stuff.

f Upload/Download file menu

Where you'll find files to download for most systems, and can upload files you think others would enjoy (no pirated software, please). These are local files, not to be confused with files you can get "by ftp" -- see the info/moreinfo menu for information on that.

s Status/options/users menu

This menu has commands to look at and change various options, see what's happening on the system, look up information on users, and so forth.

u Unix file access menu

From here you can do most of the things you'd want to do with files, such as look at them, create them, remove them, make directories, etc.

c Communications menu -- bulletins, NetNews, mail, chat

This has most of the "action"

o Organization menus

p Programming menu

e Education menu

w Word processing menu

g Games menu

gr Graphics menu

in Introduce yourself to other Nyx users

fund Info on the "fund drive" to improve ol' Nyx

hack Info on recent hacker problems; also see info menu.

faq Frequently Asked Questions & answers

fb Send feedback to sysop (comments, questions, etc.)

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1999 Nyx Net
Last modified: July 11, 1998