Chapter 15. Appendix A: Eiffel vs C++

Table of Contents
Development Time
Defect Analysis
Compile Time
Executable size
Executable speed

Throughout my study of the PSP, I have endured a fair amount of pain implementing each program in two different languages: first in C++, an industry-standard language which mixes the imperative, procedural style of C with some object-oriented features; and second in Eiffel, an imperative, strictly object-oriented language with many features not found in other languages (garbage collection, constrained genericity, contracts for classes, etc.)

Comparisons between the features of C++ and Eiffel have been done many times before; arguably the most accessible is Ian Joyner's essay, C++??, available online at I don't think that a repeat of this comparison is needed, when Mr. Joyner has done an excellent job of describing it.

However, I have not seen a comparison of actual development between C++ and Eiffel, and the PSP projects have given me a significant opportunity to examine the two under actual development conditions-- I can now compare how C++ and Eiffel stack up in development time, defect count, compile time, performance, etc. The tools in use are gcc/g++ 2.95 for the C++ code, and SmallEiffel version -0.78 (rpm package 1.22.7), using gcc 2.95 as the C backend.

Of course, such a comparison is somewhat unfair-- in order to keep my PSP data constant, I have implemented each design in C++ first, and Eiffel second. It is certainly easier to write a program once you have implemented it first! On the other hand, a number of things work to keep the comparison more equitable:

So, with the knowledge that the comparison might be flawed, let's see how the two languages stack up.

Development Time

Removing all time spent on finding and fixing design defects, we can generate the following data based on the results of the 10 programs. The linear regression was done using the PSP programs; according to [Humphrey95], a correlation of greater than 0.9 is "predictive, and you can use it with high confidence"; a correlation between 0.7 and 0.9 is "a strong correlation" and is "adequate for planning purposes"; between 0.5 and 0.7, "there is an adequate correlation for many purposes" but it should be used "with caution"; and below 0.5 "the relationship is not reliable for planning purposes":

code time, C++ and Eiffel

code time comparison, C++ and Eiffel

Linear regression shows a Beta1 of about 0.71, showing that the Eiffel programs took about 71% of the time the C++ programs took to code, with a correlation of about 0.846 and a 2*(1-p) significance of 0.002, which is a strong correlation with less than 0.2% likelihood of finding this correlation by chance.

compile time, C++ and Eiffel

compile time comparison, C++ and Eiffel

Linear regression shows a Beta1 of about 0.37, showing that the Eiffel programs took about 37% of the time the C++ programs took to compile, with a correlation of about 0.528 and a 2*(1-p) significance of 0.116, which is a low-to-moderate correlation with less than 11% likelihood of finding this correlation by chance. This is not particularly significant, and as compile time is a fairly small portion of overall process time, not a very useful observation.

test time, C++ and Eiffel

test time comparison, C++ and Eiffel

Linear regression shows a Beta1 of about 0.37, showing that the Eiffel programs took about 37% of the time the C++ programs took to test, with a correlation of about 0.66 and a 2*(1-p) significance of 0.036, which is a moderate correlation with less than 3.6% likelihood of finding this correlation by chance.

total development time, C++ and Eiffel

total development time comparison, C++ and Eiffel

Linear regression shows a Beta1 of about 0.63, showing that the Eiffel programs took about 63% of the time the C++ programs took to develop, with a correlation of about 0.79 and a 2*(1-p) significance of 0.006, which is a strong correlation with less than 0.6% likelihood of finding this correlation by chance. This, to me, is a fairly significant finding in favor of Eiffel to C++.

Of course, it's certainly easy to find fault with an experiment in which data was taken from only one developer and with only ten data points for each series, but it is what I can offer. Furthermore, from a developer's standpoint, the Eiffel errors were significantly easier to detect, even those injected in the design phase. In the area of application development time, Eiffel wins.