Advanced Pascal Programming Language Problems

© 1998 by Dr. Thomas W. MacFarland -- All Rights Reserved

     Instructions:   Review the following program and see if you can 
                     predict the outcome by completing a "pencil 
                     trace" of the code.  

                     Program output is provided at the end of this 

     Compiler:       The program was prepared using Standard Pascal 
                     on a UNIX-based host computer.

% cat PASCAL/advanced_pencil-13.p
{ Advanced Pascal Programming Language Exercises
  Dr. Thomas W. MacFarland

{ The purpose of this program is to:

  1.  Demonstrate the use of an array of integer variables.

  2.  Demonstrate how elements of an array can be used in
      a math activity.

  3.  Demonstrate the construction of a multiplication table.


program Demonstrate_Arrays_4;

var Result : array[1..4,1..5] of integer;
    R      : integer;
    C      : integer;

   for R := 1 to 4 do
      for C := 1 to 5 do
         Result[R, C] := R * C;

   for R := 1 to 4 do begin
      for C := 1 to 5 do
         write('   ', R:1, '*', C:1, ' = ', Result[R,C]:3);
end.  {advanced_pencil-13.p}
%  pc PASCAL/advanced_pencil-13.p
%  a.out
   1*1 =   1   1*2 =   2   1*3 =   3   1*4 =   4   1*5 =   5
   2*1 =   2   2*2 =   4   2*3 =   6   2*4 =   8   2*5 =  10
   3*1 =   3   3*2 =   6   3*3 =   9   3*4 =  12   3*5 =  15
   4*1 =   4   4*2 =   8   4*3 =  12   4*4 =  16   4*5 =  20

Please send comments or suggestions to Dr. Thomas W. MacFarland

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