Contact Information for Dr. Thomas W. MacFarland

Dr. MacFarland provides consulting services to colleges and universities in the areas of: Measures of Institutional Effectiveness, Economic Impact Studies, Online Fact Books. He provides consulting services to university personnel and graduate students in the areas of: Statistics and Computer-Mediated Statistical Analysis and Computer Science Education.

Contact Information:
Phone 561-715-8702
Fax 516-706-5110
Post P.O. Box 273404 Boca Raton Florida 33427 USA

When you use US mail, do not send anything to this address that requires a visit to the front desk: registered mail, certified mail, postage-due mail.

Let me know how I can assist you in the areas of institutional research, statistics, and computer science education.

Please send comments or suggestions to Dr. Thomas W. MacFarland

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