Texas Instruments Graphing Calculator Programs

Please excuse the lame quality of this page...it's just a 2 minute hack I put together because I wanted to get my programs on the web.

These programs are written for the TI-82, TI-85, and TI-86, because those are the calculators I have been using over the past 3 years. Now I only use the 86, so future development will be pretty much restricted to that platform. Fortunately, these programs are very simplistic in terms of the functions they use, so it shouldn't require much effort at all to port them to your platform if you need something else. The only exception is menu command which might take more than 5 seconds (maybe 10) to convert between calculator platforms.

The Programs

CalculusDisplays useful calculus formulas including trig derivitives and integrals, basic taylor series, etc.
AreaCalculates the area of a triangle given 2 sides and one angle.
conicComplete reference manual for conic sections. Includes parametric definitions.
coslawLaw of cosines. Given an angle and 2 sides of a triangle, calculates the third side.
cossideGiven all 3 sides of a triangle, calculates all 3 angles.
GPACalculates your GPA.
HeronHeron's formula. Calcultates the area of a triangle given the sides.
TrigTrig identity manual. Includes addition/subtraction laws, 2x and 1/2x laws, and power laws.

Program Notes:

Calculus, Trig, and Conic don't do anything. They just display stuff for you with a menu interface.

GPA is accurate with respect to the current GPA standard at Belmont High School, in Belmont, MA. Other schools may have other numbers or honor roll requirements.

coslaw, cosside, Heron, and Area were all written while I was taking Geometry and/or Algebra 2. However, they perform calculations which are useful throughout math. They come in really handy because your teachers usually don't expect you remember these formulas from classes you may have had two years ago.

Important! These programs are here because I was able to write them to simplify math work. Mathematics isn't about memorizing formulas, it's about understanding them and using them. And anyone who disagrees with me isn't worth paying attention to. But...don't cheat! Don't ruin it for everyone by using these programs inappropriately or to cheat in anyway. I've never had to erase my calculator's memory before an exam and I'd like to see it stay that way. These programs are, however, perfectly legitimate and useful, where permitted, on the SAT, AP Tests, finals, whatever.

Finally, these programs are distributed unlocked (where relevant) so that people can look at the source in order to understand how they work. However, please do not modify, and especially please do not distribute modified copies of, my software.

Download the Programs Already!

Area for TI-85 Calculus for TI-86 Conic for TI-85 Coslaw for TI-85 Cosside for TI-85 GPA for TI-82 GPA for TI-85 Heron for TI-85 Trig for TI-85