Col 7

whlydbhw krbm w) rpsb hrwq h)wh [erasure] wl r#) rbd lwkl~w) hrcm t(bhl w) llq M)w
hn# #n(nw hmh
1b rbd rpsb Mynhwkh Nm dx)b M)w dxyh tc( l( dw( bw#y )wlw
~sxky r#)w My#dwx h## #n(nw rbd hgg#b M)w Mybr trh+ Nm w#pn l( ldbwmw tx)
tx) hn# #n(nw )h(db wh(r t) +p#m
~wlb hxcy r#) #y)hw My#dwx h## #n(nw
M)w My#dwx h## #n(nw w(dmb hymr h#(y w) Mwrmb wh(r t) rbdy r#)w ldbwmw
[erasure]wml#w wdb)l hmrty dxyh Nwhb M)w My#dwx h#wl# #n(nw hmrty wh(rb

My#dwx h## tx) hn#
2 h## #n(nw +p#mb )wl r#) wh(rl rw+y r#)w Mwy My## #n(nw wml#l wdy gy#t~)wl M)w
wh(r yiribid kwtb rbdmlw My#dwx h#wl# lbn rbd whypb rbdy r#)w rbd lwk w#pnl Mqwnl Nkw
Mybrh b#wmb r+pnh #y)l Nkw Mymy My#wl# Mybrh b#wmb N#yw bwk#y r#)w Mymy tr#(
4qw3y M)w Mymy tr#( #n(nw dx) b#wm~l( Mym(p #wl# d( Mnxiw hc(b )wl r#)
My#dwx h## #n(nw #wn) hyh )wlw Mwr( wh(r ynpl Klhy r#)w Mwy My#wl# #n(nw r+pnw
h)whw wdgb txwtm wdy )ycwy r#)w Mwy My#wl# #n(nw Mybrh b#wm kwt
~l) qwry r#) #y)w
My#wl# #n(nw wlwq (ym#hl twlkisib q)#y r#)w Mwy My#wl# #n(nw wtwr( ht(rnw xwp
wh(rb lykr kly r#) #y)hw Mymy tr#( #n(nw hb xw#l wlw)m# dy
~t) )ycwmhw Mwy
Mt)m h)wh xl#l lykr kly Mybrb #y)w #n(nw Mybrh trh+m tx) hn# whlydbhw
Nwly wh(r l( M)w bw#y )wlw whxl#w dxyh dwsy l( Nwly r#) #y)hw dw( bw#y )wlw
tm)m dwgbl dxyh dwsym wxwr (wzt r#) #y)hw My#dwx h## #n(nw +p#mb )wl r#)
Mybrh trh+b (gy )wlw hnw#rb Myn# yt# #n(nw bw#y m) wbl twryr#b tkllw
t)wlmbw b#y dxyh y#n) lwk rx)w Mybrh hq#m (gy )wl tyn#bw
+p#mh l) l)#y rx)w wnwktb btknw whbrqy M)w wyrbd~l( Mybrh wl)#w Mymy Mytn# wl
Myn# r#( t)wlm
~l( [erasure] dxyh tc(b hyhy r#) #y) lwk [erasure]
ynpl Mi)cyw dxyb dwgbl whwr~hb#w [erasure]
br([ ]xiyh y#n)m #y)w dw( dxyh tc( l) bw#y )iwil wbl twryr#b tkll Mybrh
[ ]li#l whwmk w+p#m hyhwi Mybrh[ ]#) wnwhb w) wtrh+b wm(

1Charlesworth reads x. In the photo, however, the tittle extending to the left and curling upward from the top stroke is clearly visible; the letter resembles the h at the end of the word much more than the x in dxyh earlier in the line. Return
2tx) hn# is written directly above My#dwx h##. I couldn't figure out how to show this in html. Return
3Charlesworth reads z; given the slant of the letter and its proximity to an erased letter just below the supralinear q, it looks like w to me. It could be either one. Return
4Charlesworth reads wp. The letter(s) is/are written heavily and poorly. I read M based on comparison with this letter at the ends of the lines immediately above and below this one, but Charlesworth's reading is equally possible. Return