If you think that because you have visited my web page you want to give me some kind of sales pitch, like "I visited your web site and thought you might be interested in , the wonder product" or "Can you link your site to mine? I offer ", the don't even THINK about sending me a note. If you are even thinking about using the mailto: pointer on this page for a mailing list, drop the idea right now. All other humans with real feedback or no alterior motives are welcome to contact me.
Unsolicited junk mail and commercial solicitations from people I have had no previous communication with are strictly forbidden at my e-mail address. By clicking on the link I AGREE, you agree to be invoiced a handling charge for processing, returning and issuing a complaint to your postmaster if your e-mail is found to be an unsolicited junk mail message and/or commercial solicitation. You further agree not to sell or lease my e-mail address or personal information to anyone or any firm, on penalty of legal remedies in your jurisdiction, unless I have previously mailed you a signed document which permits you to do so, in return for a commission on the sale or leasing of the information I have permitted you to vend. You also agree that if a complaint to your internet provider is sent, you may be liable to have your account removed, among other things. If you do not agree to these terms, click on the link NO WAY. Make your choice, pal. I AGREE NO WAY