---------------------- Links: ----------------------

  1. Adoptees Internet Mailing List
  2. e-mail addresses (whois)
  3. phone #'s
  4. Search for someone (phone, e-mail, etc)
  5. Adoption & Search Links (many links)
  6. missing relatives bulletin board
  7. "Defrag9's" home page (w/ lots of adoption search info)
  8. Find A Friend Service ($20 to $40)
  9. Adoptees Internet Mailing List (free)
  10. National Finders Adoption Registry
  11. Birth Quest
  12. (Birth Quest form)
  13. The Adoption Ctr (adoptees & birthparents, by date of birth)
  14. WorldWide Registry
  15. Adoption Search Page
  16. Adoptees in Search (Denver's Adoption Triad)
  17. Sheri's Adoption Reunion Registry