-- Stored Procedure: dbo.IndexMaintenanceForDB -- Bill Wunder use admin GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[IndexMaintenanceForDB]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[IndexMaintenanceForDB] GO CREATE procedure dbo.IndexMaintenanceForDB @DatabaseName varchar(128) , @NotifyOnFail varchar(100) = '' , @LogUsedThresholdKB int = 4000000 -- 4GB as /****************************************************************************** * dbo.indexMaintenanceForDB.PRC * Bill Wunder * Date: 5/24/2002 * * Outline: Identify which indexes need to be maintained and which maintenance * operation to use. If scan density is less than 90% or logical scan * fragmentation is more than 10% maintain the index. If index has over 10000 * pages use DBCC INDEXDEFRAG to maintain otherwise use DBCC DBREINDEX. If * table has a clustered index that will be maintained by a DBCC DBREINDEX do * not maintain other indexes because they will be rebuilt when the clustered * index is reindexed. Pause any active DBCC INDEXDEFRAG if a backup or * restore is running or if log used size has exceeded @LogUsedThresholdKB. * Keep all fragmentation study history for trend analysis. * * Statistic Description * Count Pages Number of pages in the table or index. * Extents Scanned Number of extents in the table or index. * Extent Switches Number of times the DBCC statement moved from * one extent to another while it traversed the * pages of the table or index. * Scan Density [Best Count: Actual Count] Best count is the * ideal number of extent changes if everything is * contiguously linked. Actual count is the actual * number of extent changes. The number in scan * density is 100 if everything is contiguous; if * it is less than 100, some fragmentation exists. * Scan density is a percentage. * Logical Scan Fragmentation Percentage of out-of-order pages returned from * scanning the leaf pages of an index. This number * is not relevant to heaps and text indexes. An * out of order page is one for which the next page * indicated in an IAM is a different page than the * page pointed to by the next page pointer in the * leaf page. *!---->following not included in DBCC SHOWCONTIG() WITH FAST mode<-----! * CountRows Number of rows in the table or index. * Avg. Pages per Extent Number of pages per extent in the page chain. * Extent Scan Fragmentation Percentage of out-of-order extents in scanning * the leaf pages of an index. This number is not * relevant to heaps. An out-of-order extent is one * for which the extent containing the current page * for an index is not physically the next extent * after the extent containing the previous page * for an index. * Avg. Bytes free per page Average number of free bytes on the pages * scanned. The higher the number, the less full * the pages are. Lower numbers are better. This * number is also affected by row size; a large * row size can result in a higher number. * Avg. Page density (full) Average page density (as a percentage). This * value takes into account row size, so it is a * more accurate indication of how full your pages * are. The higher the percentage, the better. * * status * 0 - under consideration * 1 - defrag * 2 - defrag in progress * 3 - defrag complete * 4 - reindex * 5 - reindex in progress * 6 - reindex complete * 7 - After defrag showcontig * 8 - manually populate showcontig * 9 - eliminated from consideration * 10 - 19 - historical * * usage: EXECUTE admin.dbo.indexMaintenanceForDB 'admin' * Notes: * * Modifications * bw 04-25-03 Change showcontig to fast mode and make defrags interruptable * based on log space * bw 04-27-03 Speed up the showcontig and add a duration of showcontig column * bw 12-22-03 Add logic to reindex if LogicalFrag > 10 in addition to case * where ScanDensity < 90 * bw 03-13-04 Add showcontig to fraglist immediately AFTER maint to see how it * went. Run indexdefrags through called proc and manage log growth * try not to run INDEXDEFRAG during backup operation on the server * jh 12-08-04 Change GetShowContigForIndex to include indexes if either Logical * frag or Scan Density exceeds limit rather than both (thanks to * Jason Hammer for spotting the bug) *******************************************************************************/ declare @SQLStr nvarchar(4000) , @ObjectOwner varchar(128) , @ObjectName varchar(128) , @IndexName varchar(128) , @status int , @DBCCStartDt datetime , @JobCategory varchar(128) , @JobName varchar(1024) , @JobDesc varchar(128) , @JobCmd varchar(2048) , @JobCmd2 varchar(2048) , @JobOwner sysname , @OutputFile varchar(1024) , @rc int , @ec int , @ErrDesc varchar(1024) , @Err varchar(300) , @IsRunnable tinyint -- Verify requested db does exist, if not then notify and keep moving. if db_id(@DatabaseName) is null begin select @Err = 'Database (' + @DatabaseName + ') does not exist. Resuming processing on next DB.' exec sysmon.dbo.safe_sendmail @recipients = @NotifyOnFail return end -- create the temp table once for reuse CREATE TABLE #fraglist ( ObjectName varchar (255) , ObjectId INT , IndexName varchar (255) , IndexId INT , Lvl INT , CountPages INT , CountRows INT , MinRecSize INT , MaxRecSize INT , AvgRecSize INT , ForRecCount INT , Extents INT , ExtentSwitches INT , AvgFreeBytes INT , AvgPageDensity INT , ScanDensity DECIMAL , BestCount INT , ActualCount INT , LogicalFrag DECIMAL , ExtentFrag DECIMAL) -- Table structure will work with or with out WITH FAST showcontig option if object_id('admin.dbo.fraglist','U') is null CREATE TABLE admin.dbo.fraglist ( DatabaseName varchar (128) NOT NULL , ObjectOwner varchar(128) NOT NULL , ObjectName varchar (128) NOT NULL , ObjectId int NULL , IndexName varchar(128) NOT NULL , IndexId int NULL , Lvl int NULL , CountPages int NULL , CountRows int NULL , MinRecSize int NULL , MaxRecSize int NULL , AvgRecSize int NULL , ForRecCount int NULL , Extents int NULL , ExtentSwitches int NULL , AvgFreeBytes int NULL , AvgPageDensity int NULL , ScanDensity decimal NULL , BestCount int NULL , ActualCount int NULL , LogicalFrag decimal NULL , ExtentFrag decimal NULL , RecCreatedDt datetime NOT NULL constraint dft__fraglist__RecCreatedDt DEFAULT (getdate()) , Status tinyint NULL constraint dft__fraglist__Status DEFAULT (0) , SecondsToMaintain int NULL , SecondsToShowContig int NULL , constraint pkc_fraglist__DbName__ObjOwner__ObjName__IdxName__RecCreatedDt primary key clustered ( DatabaseName , ObjectOwner , ObjectName , IndexName , RecCreatedDt) on [PRIMARY] ) on [PRIMARY] -- build a utiltiy proc to handle showcontig population of fraglist set @SQLStr = 'Create procedure dbo.GetShowContigForIndex @DatabaseName varchar(128) , @ObjectOwner varchar(128) = ''dbo'' , @ObjectName varchar(128) = null , @IndexName varchar(128) = null , @PlanMaintenance tinyint = 8 as /****************************************** * see IndexMaintenanceForDB * * status * 0 - under consideration * 1 - defrag * 2 - defrag in progress * 3 - defrag complete * 4 - reindex * 5 - reindex in progress * 6 - reindex complete * 7 - After defrag showcontig (no-op) * 8 - manually populate showcontig (no-op) * 9 - eliminated from consideration (no-op) * 10 - 19 - historical *******************************************/ declare @SQLStr nvarchar(4000) , @ShowContigStartDt datetime -- table should alrady exist unless call is one off if object_id(''tempdb.dbo.#fraglist'',''U'') is null CREATE TABLE #fraglist ( ObjectName varchar (255) , ObjectId INT , IndexName varchar (255) , IndexId INT , Lvl INT , CountPages INT , CountRows INT , MinRecSize INT , MaxRecSize INT , AvgRecSize INT , ForRecCount INT , Extents INT , ExtentSwitches INT , AvgFreeBytes INT , AvgPageDensity INT , ScanDensity DECIMAL , BestCount INT , ActualCount INT , LogicalFrag DECIMAL , ExtentFrag DECIMAL) set @SQLStr = ''use '' + @DatabaseName + '' DBCC SHOWCONTIG(['' + @ObjectName + ''],['' + @IndexName + '']) WITH TABLERESULTS, FAST'' set @ShowContigStartDt = getdate() insert #fraglist exec sp_executesql @SQLStr insert admin.dbo.fraglist ( DatabaseName , ObjectOwner , ObjectName , ObjectId , IndexName , IndexId , Lvl , CountPages , CountRows , MinRecSize , MaxRecSize , AvgRecSize , ForRecCount , Extents , ExtentSwitches , AvgFreeBytes , AvgPageDensity , ScanDensity , BestCount , ActualCount , LogicalFrag , ExtentFrag , Status , SecondsToShowContig) select @DatabaseName , @ObjectOwner , ObjectName , ObjectId , IndexName , IndexId , Lvl , CountPages , CountRows , MinRecSize , MaxRecSize , AvgRecSize , ForRecCount , Extents , ExtentSwitches , AvgFreeBytes , AvgPageDensity , ScanDensity , BestCount , ActualCount , LogicalFrag , ExtentFrag , Status = case when @PlanMaintenance = 0 then case when (ObjectName = ''fraglist'' or (ScanDensity > 90 and LogicalFrag < 10) or (Indexid > 1 and exists(select 1 from admin.dbo.fraglist where DatabaseName = @DatabaseName and ObjectOwner = @ObjectOwner and ObjectName = @ObjectName and IndexId = 1 and status = 4))) -- reindex clustered does all then 9 -- noop when CountPages < 10000 then 4 -- reindex else 1 -- defrag end else @PlanMaintenance end , datediff(second,@ShowContigStartDt,getdate()) from #fraglist delete #fraglist' if object_id('dbo.GetShowContigForIndex','P') is not null begin exec @rc = sp_executesql N'drop procedure dbo.GetShowContigForIndex' set @ec = @@error if @rc <> 0 or @ec <> 0 begin set @Err = 'drop procedure dbo.GetShowContigForIndex failed' goto ErrorHandler end end exec @rc = sp_executesql @SQLStr set @ec = @@error if @rc <> 0 or @ec <> 0 begin set @Err = 'create procedure dbo.GetShowContigForIndex failed' goto ErrorHandler end -- add components to prevent log growth for all INDEXDEFRAGs -- do not DEFRAG if a backup or restore is active set @SQLStr = 'CREATE procedure dbo.DefragLargeTables @DatabaseName varchar(128) as /* see IndexMaintenanceForDB */ declare @SQLStr nvarchar(4000) , @ObjectOwner varchar(128) , @ObjectName varchar(255) , @IndexName varchar(255) , @status int , @DBCCStartDt datetime -- one at a time until someone says stop, 2s before 1s select top 1 @DatabaseName = Databasename , @ObjectOwner = ObjectOwner , @ObjectName = ObjectName , @IndexName = IndexName , @status = status from admin.dbo.fraglist where status in (1,2) and DatabaseName = @DatabaseName order by status desc -- mark as current maintenance candidate if is a 1 update admin.dbo.fraglist set status = 2 where DatabaseName = @DatabaseName and ObjectOwner = @ObjectOwner and ObjectName = @ObjectName and IndexName = @IndexName and status = 1 set @SQLStr = ''DBCC INDEXDEFRAG('''''' + @DatabaseName + '''''','''''' + @ObjectOwner + ''.'' + @ObjectName + '''''','''''' + @IndexName + '''''') '' + + ''UPDATE STATISTICS ['' + @DatabaseName + ''].['' + @ObjectOwner + ''].['' + @ObjectName + ''] ['' + @IndexName + '']'' set @DBCCStartDt = getdate() exec sp_executesql @SQLStr -- mark as maintenance complete update admin.dbo.fraglist set status = 3 , SecondsToMaintain = Datediff(second,@DBCCStartDt,getdate()) where DatabaseName = @DatabaseName and ObjectOwner = @ObjectOwner and ObjectName = @ObjectName and IndexName = @IndexName and status = 2 -- add a fraglist row to show the table/index state after the maintenance exec admin.dbo.GetShowContigForIndex @DatabaseName = @DatabaseName , @ObjectOwner = @ObjectOwner , @ObjectName = @ObjectName , @IndexName = @IndexName , @PlanMaintenance = 7' set @JobCategory = 'Database Maintenance' set @JobName = 'w Defrag large ' + @DatabaseName + ' tables' set @JobDesc = 'defrag indexes - stopped if log space reaches threshold size.' set @JobCmd = 'EXEC admin.dbo.DefragLargeTables ' + char(39) + @DatabaseName + char(39) set @JobCmd2 = 'exec admin.dbo.log_job_error ' + char(39) + @NotifyOnFail + char(39) set @JobOwner = 'sa' set @OutputFile = 'F:\MSSQL\Log\' + @JobName + '.out' if object_id('dbo.DefragLargeTables','P') is not null begin exec @rc = sp_executesql N'drop procedure dbo.DefragLargeTables' set @ec = @@error if @rc <> 0 or @ec <> 0 begin set @Err = 'drop procedure dbo.DefragLargeTables failed' goto ErrorHandler end end exec @rc = sp_executesql @SQLStr set @ec = @@error if @rc <> 0 or @ec <> 0 begin set @Err = 'create procedure dbo.DefragLargeTables failed' goto ErrorHandler end if exists (select 1 from msdb.dbo.sysJobs where name = @JobName) begin exec @rc = msdb.dbo.sp_delete_job @job_name = @JobName set @ec = @@error if @rc <> 0 or @ec <> 0 begin set @Err = 'sp_delete_job failed' goto ErrorHandler end end if not exists (select 1 from msdb.dbo.syscategories where name = @JobCategory) begin exec @rc = msdb.dbo.sp_add_category @class = 'Job' , @type = 'local' , @name = @JobCategory set @ec = @@error if @rc <> 0 or @ec <> 0 begin set @Err = 'sp_add_category failed' goto ErrorHandler end end exec @rc = msdb.dbo.sp_add_job @job_name = @JobName , @owner_login_name = @JobOwner , @description = @JobDesc , @category_name = @JobCategory , @enabled = 1 , @notify_level_email = 0 , @notify_level_page = 0 , @notify_level_netsend = 0 , @notify_level_eventlog = 2 , @delete_level= 0 set @ec = @@error if @rc <> 0 or @ec <> 0 begin set @Err = 'sp_add_job failed' goto ErrorHandler end exec @rc = msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep @job_name = @JobName , @step_id = 1 , @step_name = 'Defrag large tables' , @command = @JobCmd , @database_name = 'admin' , @database_user_name = '' , @subsystem = 'TSQL' , @cmdexec_success_code = 0 , @flags = 4 , @retry_attempts = 0 , @retry_interval = 1 , @output_file_name = @OutputFile , @on_success_step_id = 0 , @on_success_action = 1 set @ec = @@error if @rc <> 0 or @ec <> 0 begin set @Err = 'sp_add_jobstep 1 failed' goto ErrorHandler end exec @rc = msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep @job_name = @JobName , @step_id = 2 , @step_name = 'failure notification' , @command = @JobCmd2 , @database_name = 'admin' , @database_user_name = '' , @subsystem = 'TSQL' , @cmdexec_success_code = 0 , @flags = 2 , @retry_attempts = 0 , @retry_interval = 1 , @output_file_name = @OutputFile , @on_success_step_id = 0 , @on_success_action = 2 , @on_fail_step_id = 0 , @on_fail_action = 2 set @ec = @@error if @rc <> 0 or @ec <> 0 begin set @Err = 'sp_add_jobstep 2 failed' goto ErrorHandler end -- add step 1 notification link after creating step 2 to avoid warning message exec @rc = msdb.dbo.sp_update_jobstep @job_name = @JobName , @step_id = 1 , @on_fail_step_id = 2 , @on_fail_action = 4 set @ec = @@error if @rc <> 0 or @ec <> 0 begin set @Err = 'sp_update_jobstep 1 failed' goto ErrorHandler end exec @rc = msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobserver @job_name = @JobName , @server_name = '(local)' set @ec = @@error if @rc <> 0 or @ec <> 0 begin set @Err = 'sp_add_jobserver failed' goto ErrorHandler end exec @rc = msdb.dbo.sp_update_job @job_name = @JobName , @start_step_id = 1 set @ec = @@error if @rc <> 0 or @ec <> 0 begin set @Err = 'sp_update_job failed' goto ErrorHandler end -- end -- add components for full recovery db set nocount on -- delete archive over 90 days delete admin.dbo.fraglist where DatabaseName = @DatabaseName and RecCreatedDt < getdate() - 90 -- archive previous run update admin.dbo.fraglist set status = status + 10 where DatabaseName = @DatabaseName and status < 10 -- fragmentation study (find 1s and 4s) -- maintain sequential index processing order select @SQLStr = 'use ' + @DatabaseName + ' declare @ObjectId int , @IndexId int , @DatabaseName varchar(128) , @ObjectOwner varchar(128) , @ObjectName varchar(128) , @IndexName varchar(128) set nocount on select @ObjectId = min(id) from dbo.sysobjects where type = ''U'' while @ObjectId is not null begin Select @IndexId = min(indid) from dbo.sysindexes where id = @ObjectId and indid > 0 and indid < 255 while @IndexId is not null begin select @DatabaseName = db_name() , @ObjectOwner = user_name(o.uid) , @ObjectName = o.name , @IndexName = i.name from dbo.sysobjects o join dbo.sysindexes i on o.id = i.id where o.id = @ObjectId and i.indid = @IndexId -- determine if the index ought to be indexed exec admin.dbo.GetShowContigForIndex @DatabaseName = @DatabaseName , @ObjectOwner = @ObjectOwner , @ObjectName = @ObjectName , @IndexName = @IndexName , @PlanMaintenance = 0 Select @IndexId = min(indid) from dbo.sysindexes where id = @ObjectId and indid > @IndexId and indid < 255 end select @ObjectId = min(id) from dbo.sysobjects where type = ''U'' and id > @ObjectId end' exec @rc = sp_executesql @sqlStr set @ec = @@error if @rc <> 0 or @ec <> 0 begin set @Err = 'DBCC showcontig failed processing' goto ErrorHandler end -- perform all identified required maintenance -- first reindex all the small tables declare indexesToMaintainList insensitive cursor for select ObjectOwner, ObjectName, IndexName, status from admin.dbo.fraglist where DatabaseName = @DatabaseName and status = 4 open indexesToMaintainList fetch next from indexesToMaintainList into @ObjectOwner, @ObjectName, @IndexName, @status while @@fetch_status = 0 begin -- mark as current maintenance candidate update admin.dbo.fraglist set status = 5 where DatabaseName = @DatabaseName and ObjectOwner = @ObjectOwner and ObjectName = @ObjectName and IndexName = @IndexName and status = 4 set @SQLStr = 'DBCC DBREINDEX(''' + @DatabaseName + '.' + @ObjectOwner + '.' + @ObjectName + ''',''' + @IndexName + ''')' set @DBCCStartDt = getdate() exec @rc = sp_executesql @sqlstr set @ec = @@error if @rc <> 0 or @ec <> 0 begin set @Err = 'Defragmentation operation "' + @SQLStr + '" failed' goto ErrorHandler end -- mark as maintenance complete update admin.dbo.fraglist set status = 6 , SecondsToMaintain = Datediff(second,@DBCCStartDt, getdate()) where DatabaseName = @DatabaseName and ObjectOwner = @ObjectOwner and ObjectName = @ObjectName and IndexName = @IndexName and status = 5 exec admin.dbo.GetShowContigForIndex @DatabaseName = @DatabaseName , @ObjectOwner = @ObjectOwner , @ObjectName = @ObjectName , @IndexName = @IndexName , @PlanMaintenance = 7 fetch next from indexesToMaintainList into @ObjectOwner, @ObjectName, @IndexName, @status end close indexesToMaintainList deallocate indexesToMaintainList -- now INDEXDEFRAG all the larger tables while exists (select 1 from admin.dbo.fraglist where DatabaseName = @DatabaseName and status in (1,2)) begin if (select cntr_value from master..sysperfinfo where instance_name = @DatabaseName and counter_name = 'Log File(s) Used Size (KB)') > @LogUsedThresholdKB begin if exists (select 1 from master.dbo.sysprocesses p with(nolock) join msdb.dbo.sysjobs j with(nolock) on substring(p.program_name , charindex('0x', p.program_name) + 18 , 16) = substring(replace(j.job_id, '-',''),17,16) where j.name = @JobName) or exists (select 1 from master.dbo.sysprocesses with(nolock) where (cmd like 'BACKUP%' or cmd like 'RESTORE%') and dbid = db_id(@DatabaseName)) begin exec admin.dbo.IsAgentJobRunnable @IsRunnable OUTPUT, @JobName, @JobOwner if @IsRunnable = 0 begin -- stop the job exec @rc = msdb.dbo.sp_stop_job @JobName set @ec = @@error if @rc <> 0 or @ec <> 0 begin set @Err = 'sp_stop_job ' + @JobName + ' failed' goto ErrorHandler end end end -- Set all job steps to append to log file exec @rc = msdb.dbo.sp_update_jobstep @job_name = @JobName , @step_id = 1 , @flags = 2 set @ec = @@error if @rc <> 0 or @ec <> 0 begin set @Err = 'sp_update_jobstep 1 to append log file failed' goto ErrorHandler end --give log backup a chance to catch up waitfor delay '00:01:00' end else -- enough log space to keep going begin -- start the job if it's not running and there is not a backup running if not exists (select 1 from master.dbo.sysprocesses p join msdb.dbo.sysjobs j on substring(p.program_name , charindex('0x', p.program_name) + 18 , 16) = substring(replace(j.job_id, '-',''),17,16) where j.name = @JobName) and not exists (select 1 from master.dbo.sysprocesses with(nolock) where (cmd like 'BACKUP%' or cmd like 'RESTORE%') and dbid = db_id(@DatabaseName)) begin exec admin.dbo.IsAgentJobRunnable @IsRunnable OUTPUT, @JobName, @JobOwner if @IsRunnable = 1 begin exec @rc = msdb.dbo.sp_start_job @JobName set @ec = @@error if @rc <> 0 or @ec <> 0 begin set @Err = 'sp_start_job ' + @JobName + ' failed' goto ErrorHandler end end end -- wait a minute before checking again waitfor delay '00:01:00' end end -- cleanup if exists (select 1 from msdb.dbo.sysJobs where name = @JobName) begin exec @rc = msdb.dbo.sp_delete_job @job_name = @JobName set @ec = @@error if @rc <> 0 or @ec <> 0 begin set @Err = 'sp_delete_job during cleanup failed' goto ErrorHandler end end return ErrorHandler: set @ErrDesc = 'admin.dbo.IndexMaintenanceForDB failed ' + '| Return Code %d ' + '| Error Code %d ' + '| @DatabaseName = %s ' + '| @ObjectOwner = %s ' + '| @ObjectName = %s ' + '| @IndexName = %s ' + '| Error: %s' raiserror ( @ErrDesc , 16 , 1 , @rc , @ec , @DatabaseName , @ObjectOwner , @ObjectName , @IndexName , @Err) return -1 GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO