Bill Wunder's DDL Archive Utility

Installing the Utility


  • Any of Microsoft's Windows 2000 Professional or Server, Windows XP Professional or Windows 2003 Server operating systems.
  • Windows .Net Framework v1.1 or higher. Download the latest .Net Framework Redistributable Package from the Microsoft Download Center.
  • SQL Server 2000 Client Utilities. A full installation of these utilities includes Enterprise Manager, Query Analyzer, DTSWIZ.EXE, and BCP.EXE. If any of these tools are installed from the SQL Server 2000 installation CD you have the necessary SQLDMO components to be able to generate scripts from a SQL Server 2000 or from a SQL Server 7 instance. The SQL Server 2000 Client Utilities can be installed from the SQL Server 2000 installation CD
  • SQLXML 3.0 Download the latest SQLXML Package from the Microsoft Download Center.
  • Visual SourceSafe 6 Network Client. Alternately you can install a SourceSafe database on the local system. This will give you the necessary SourceSafe API components to successfully complete an Archive and allow you to use the local database to store your script history. The Utility is tested with V6.0d of the SourceSafe automation API and database. Previous versions of SourceSafe can be used with no expected problems. The latest version of Visual SourceSafe may have been shipped with your versions of Visual Studio .Net or it may be obtained from Microsoft.

    Important note: if you use the same machine to generate scripts and to host your SourceSafe database be sure to see that it is regularly backed-up. The organizations SourceSafe administrator is not likely to want to care for an isolated instance of the repository dedicated to archiving DDL scripts and the machine will be a single point of failure for your Archive.

    WARNING! Note that the special characters allowable for automation with Version 6.Od are more restrictive than older SourceSafe versions. Because of this change, the .Net release of the Archive Utility is not seamlessly backward compatible with previous releases of the Utility. It is necessary to replace the "$" (dollar) character with the "~" (tilde) every where it occurs in all projects and files in an existing SourceSafe archive created with a previous version of the utility before the .Net Utility release is executed. Failure to complete this step will result in loss of history for all SourceSafe items using the "$" character in a name.

  • Microsoft Windows Installer 2.0. Download the latest Windows Installer Redistributable Package from the Microsoft Download Center.

New Installation

Open the Setup.msi file at the Internet location or download the file and open it from a local network location. Windows Installer will verify that you have the required components then install the Utility.

SQL Server Installation and Configuration

Launch the Archive Utility and select a SQL Server. If the SQL Server has already been configured to run with a .NET version of the Archive Utility the current configuration for the server will be displayed in the Interactive Configurator. If the SQL Server has not been previously configured for the Archive Utility you will be prompted to install the database components before proceeding. The Interactive Configurator will use the DMO ExecuteImmediate method to launch the instArchUtil.sql script located in the application folder you specified when installing the Archive Utility (Default is "C:Program File\Bill Wunder"). This script will create the necessary database, tables and stored procedures on the server and display the default configuration settings.

Executing insArchUtil.sql will create a database named admin (unless it already exists), then create three tables and a hand full of stored procedures in that database. All configuration data is stored in the table ArchUtilSrvConfig. All Server level scripting options are also stored in this table as True/False literals. Database level scripting Options are stored in the table ArchUtilDBConfig as True/False Literals. Each time the utility is executed - either interactively or from the command line - any new databases will be added to ArchUtilDBConfig with the default scripting option settings. If a database no longer exists when the utility is executed it is removed from the ArchUtilDBConfig table. You can customize this behavior by editing the table defaults and stored procedure logic in instArchUtil.sql before a SQL Server instance is subscribed to the Archive Utility. Always make a backup copy of instArchUtil.sql before you modify the file.

Troubleshooting SQL Server Installation

In the unlikely event that you have a customized SQL Server configuration or structural conflicts that prevent a successful deployment of the SQL Server components on a server, locate the instArchUtil.sql script in the Application Folder, load it in Query Analyzer and execute it to observer the full details of the problem your are experiencing. Please contact me if I may be of assistance in resolving any underlying issues at this email address. Please include any output or error messages observed when attempting to execute the instArchUltil.sql script in SQL Server Query Analyzer.