Nyx Net Treasurer's Report December 31, 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------ Nyx Net Profit and Loss October through December 1998 Income Donations General public 185.00 Igive 54.22 Matching Donations 25.00 Validations 7,269.39 -------- Total Donations 7,533.61 Interest 103.73 Sales Other Sales 77.45 Sales of Assets 10.29 Sales of Donations 132.51 ------- Total Sales 220.25 ---------- Total Income 7,857.59 Expense Bank Charges Bank Service Charge 21.00 Credit Card Fees 50.12 --------- Total Bank Charges 71.12 Network Hardware 763.27 Office Expenses 35.35 Outreach Program hardware 38.52 PO Box Rent 20.00 Rent 795.00 Sales Expense Ebay Fees 11.50 Shipping Expense 96.84 -------- Total Sales Expense 108.34 Supplies 3.50 Tools 13.00 Utilities Dimensional Communi... 1,500.00 ICG - Phones 1,848.45 USWEST 1,057.56 ---------- Total Utilities 4,406.01 -------- Total Expense 6,254.11 -------- Net Income 1,603.48 In the 4th Quarter of 1998 we were able to diversify our income a little with income from Igive, sales of donations and matchin donations but the bulk of it came from validations. Income was slightly ahead of expenses.