To: Subject: Rinus at the Kit Kat --text follows this line-- cc: not@this.time Orig-To: not@this.time (Rinus DeGier) Subject: Re: Chez Paris 1/26/95 (long) Newsgroups: References: In you write: >Also, although comparisons are odious, >the best dancers at the KK put on more energetic, >sexier, and generally more entertaining stage shows than the CP'ers >(twosomes aside), and they're on the whole more attractive. >The CP ladies are great, but I've seen businessmen >drop their eyeballs on the floor when they step into the 'kat >and first see one of the highlights trot by in a bra and jeans. Rinus, Sometimes I get up to SF to hang around the ALS gang. I know Bubba lives down here in SJ but he has shown no enthusiasm for hanging out at the Kit Kat. I like to to go over there on slow nights like Mon, Tues. If the smoke is not too thick, I'll hang around for awhile. From now on, I'll wear my ass-c button. I'm a non-descript white guy about 5-7 150. I usually wear glasses. If you see me, introduce yourself. I agree with your description of the "highlights" there; they are a walking wet dream. I like Ali and Red and a Latina girl with a bald crotch and a big smile (forget her name). -Bob "non-descript white guy" Smyth