Updated 11-MAR-2001 by tknab Latest Nyx Changes: New users will no longer be created on login. Users wishing to create accounts *must* go through the validation process and accounts will then be created. Users wishing to add a second acct (eg an anon acct should contact tknab) 23-FEB-2001 News I recently updated the news server setup. *ALL* internal Nyx news service is pointed to Irys. If you have iris.nyx.net set for tin/rn/trn/slrn, etc...it needs to be changed to Irys. (We found and fixed a problem with default configs) If you use external nyx.* group reading, it goes to: Iris.nyx.net port 8119 Otherwise, ALL nyx news goes to irYs.nyx.net (aka news.nyx.net) Change Command: All Nyx users now have access to the 'changes' command. I've added this to keep users upto date with Nyx Changes I've made, and as a secondary to nyx.misc/nyx.announce.