Miscellaneous Sites

Miscellaneous Sites

The Curie Institute
Some interesting research programmes detailed on this page (added to this list at the request of their webmaster - fame at last!)

GenomeNet in Japan
With links to KEGG, a database of metabolic pathways, amongst other things.

Fieldwork Software
For those of you who go out in all weathers, a list of software for the purpose.

A little light relief (with some serious links too)

Welcome to the Natural History Museum's WWW Server
Marvel at the pictures at an exhibition. Its cheaper than the entrance fee!

The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
The peace and quiet of the botanical gardens at Kew

New Scientist on the Net
You will need to register the first time you use this page.

The Annals of Improbable Research
It is important to keep up with the literature (US site)

Design a digital beastie (a simulation of electronic life that is, I am reliably informed, based on evoluutionary principles)

And finally, what's on the TV tonight (I know it's not molecular biology, but Horizon might be on). Needs registration!

TV and Radio programme schedules
